Stress Free Walks for Everyone!

Ready to gain the essential skills for more enjoyable walks with your dog?

As we move out of winter into spring, when the weather is nicer, the evenings are lighter and you’re not permanently covered in mud, let’s nail those skills you need for calm and relaxing dog walks.

Imagine having a dog you can take anywhere. One that walks beautifully on the lead, listens to you no matter what’s happening and comes back to you every time you call them, even if there is something in the environment.

You might think that’s an impossible task and there’s no way you and your dog can achieve that.

You absolutely can turn those dreams of having a dog who doesn’t drag you down the street or runs off at the slightest distraction in a reality.

As a celebration of our brand new website launching we are offering our 3 mini courses together for a no-brainer investment of just £57.

These 3 mini courses will give you all the skills you need to be calm and confident in taking your dog for on and off lead adventures.

See below for full course details.

Each course is £37 but today you can get all 3 for just £57.

I’m also offering a no quibble 7 day money back guarantee.

What are you waiting for?

Click the link below for stress free walks with your dog!

online dog recall training course

Online Recall Course

Are you too scared to let your dog off the lead?

Are you worried they’re going to run off and get themselves into trouble? Ignoring you in the process?

Do you want to be the envy of all the other pet parents in the park?

When you call your dog, they leave what they’re doing and happily come running back to you!

The 4 week Racing Recallers Course uses bite sized easy to implement video tutorials to teach you a reliable recall, so you can have stress free walks and give your dog the off lead freedom they deserve.

You will learn:

  • How to introduce a new recall word
  • How to set your dog up for success, so they respond every time you call them
  • Fun games to supercharge your relationship
  • How to get your dog to chose YOU over the other dog, squirrel or person
online loose lead dog walking course

Online Loose Lead Course

Does your dog, take you for a walk?

Do they pull like mad as soon as you leave the house, dragging you along the pavement as they go?

Would you like to enjoy walking your dog again, rather than dreading it?

The 4 week Walk This Way Loose Lead Walking Course uses bite sized, easy to implement video tutorials to teach you and your dog the essentials skills to go from a walking nightmare to a walking dream team.

You will learn:

  • Why your dog pulls
  • How to get your dog to love checking in with you
  • The only loose lead walking method that actually works
  • Fun games to supercharge your lead walking skills
  • What to do, if your dog does pull
online dog skills course

Online Superskills Course

Training is definitely a joint effort between us and our dogs. The Human Superskills mini course will give your skills a level up so training your dog becomes easy!

From developing expert timing to understanding how dogs learn and communicate, you’ll learn how to problem solve and build brand new behaviours from scratch.

You will learn how to:

  • Be an epic pet parent
  • Break up play
  • Use the 3 Ds (distance, duration, distraction)
    Build new behaviours
  • Spot inappropriate play
  • Clicker Train
  • Use luring and shaping
  • Harness the power of play

Are you ready for stress free walks?

Remember, each course is £37 but today you can get all 3 for just £57.

And I’m also offering a no quibble 7 day money back guarantee.

Click the link below for stress free walks with your dog!